Thursday, May 13, 2010

Better Is One Day!

Psalms 84:1-2; 10, “How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. (10) Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere."

We are all living life in the fast lane. We all have plans, goals, and agendas. It seems as if we have our cell phones growing out of the side of our heads. We have learned to eat, listen to music, do business, and talk on the phone, all at once. This is living life in the fast lane. However, when we are consumed to living life in the fast lane, we often forget to wait on God. There is an aspect in all of us that wants to have control of every issue that is transpiring in our life.

I know from experience, when I try to take control and do things my way, I’m not nearly as happy and full of the joy of the Lord as I should be, and spiritually, just begin to feel weak. Having plans, goals, and agendas are all well and good, and we should be determined in them by setting the Lord always before us. Sometimes we just have to let go and let God. This requires waiting patiently upon Him! Those who spend more time with God find fresh strength! Are you feeling weak, frustrated, stressed, or even pressured? Spend more time with God! How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! Our hearts and even our flesh cry out for more of God. You will find peace, joy, hope, guidance, and strength in the presence of the Lord. May we once again passionately pursue His presence, experiencing the reality, that better is one day in His courts than a thousand elsewhere!

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