Monday, September 27, 2010

Give Honor Where Honor Is Due

"A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me? says the Lord Almighty." (Malachi 1:6 NIV)

As this verse says, where is our honor and respect towards the Lord? Many of us go through our everyday lives with no regard to God. We try to figure out everything on our own, and we don't involve God in any of our challenges or struggles until we realize we can't do it! "Where are you God?" we ask. God is right there as He never leaves us nor forsakes us, but many times we leave Him! We might think that we are able to pick and choose when we take God with us and when we can leave him behind! God did not give his Son to die for us so that we could pick God up on Sundays and leave him behind through the week.  He wants all of us---EVERY DAY!!

I've heard my mom say many times that during my hospital stay after my near-fatal vehicle accident years ago that she often questioned, "God, why?" It's easy to question God's motives and ways during our times of trouble. I thank God that we aren't in control of our own lives because I know I'd make a total mess of it. We must know that during these times, God is in control and everything happens for a reason. Lift up your face and thank God for the good, and thank Him for the bad!.. If life was roses, then most of us would never worship our wonderful God.

Malachi 4:1 says, "Surely the day is coming..." The day of the Lord is near and becomes more near each day of our life! We've all read in Revelation, that in the end, we are the winners! We, meaning the body of Christ, have nothing to worry about as long as we trust and obey Him. On the opposite side, if you're not where you need to be with God, read the book of Revelation and soak in God's word. As wonderful as it will be for God's people, it will only be that horrific for those that don't honor Him!

God, I pray blessings on those reading this today! I pray their lives would be filled with wonderful things, and I pray you keep the things of attack away from them. I pray that you would show us any spots in our lives that need correction and help us to walk in boldness! I pray you help us to become more Christ-like.  Help us to show others your wonderful love and mercy! AMEN

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