"What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil,
that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter."
that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter."
Isaiah 5: 20 (NLT)
For whatever reason, when I read the above verse, I thought about "Black and White", a song recorded in the '70's by Three Dog Night. "The ink is black, the page is white, together we learn to read and write. . . " The main theme of the song talks about black and white culture uniting in harmony. But, I don't think that is why I made a connection.
When we hear someone say, "That is black and white to me", or "That is just as clear as the nose on my face", a statement has been made that should be very clear. No questions asked. It's either right or it's either wrong. However, in this verse, there seems to be controversy because what should seem very obvious has been turned around to be the opposite.

There are things in our society today that are not what they once were. Abortion once was illegal---now, it's a woman's choice. You used to need "just cause" for a divorce---now, you just need to have "irreconcilable differences". Christian values that were once upheld are now being "held down" because we might offend someone. It's like looking through "rose-colored glasses"---things will appear in a better light than they really are. "When we make excuses for our actions, we break down the distinction between right and wrong. If God's Word is not being taken as the standard, then moral choices will appear fuzzy." (Life Application Bible). Allow God's love to be definitive in your life---no more grey areas!
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