Acts Chapter 7 – Rest
Acts Chapter 7 is the only place in the Bible that we hear the story of Stephen, a man filled with the Holy Spirit. So, if somebody asked you to write a blog on Acts Chapter 7, you naturally would want to write the blog about Stephen. Although I would love to expound upon the revelation of Stephen’s life, I find myself being pulled to another revelation in this chapter and I pray through the power of the Holy Spirit you find strength in the words that follow.
Gen 2:3 “God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, for on it He rested from His work of creation”. Wow, to think that God the maker of heaven and earth took a day OFF is fascinating. I don’t believe God needed this day to rest as much as He was trying to set an example for humanity that even God Himself takes time to rest.
Sometimes our lives are so busy that we forget to make time to rest. I truly believe we look over the importance of rest. Rest is a time of refueling; a time to calm your soul and reflect upon your actions, thoughts, and motivations. Rest is much more than sleep. Rest is NOT sitting in front of a TV. Have you ever had a long hard day and all you want to do is crash on the couch and watch TV and then you get up hours later feeling more tired then when you sat down? Why? Because TV is programmed to stimulate your mind and sitting in front of it makes your mind stimulated and your mind cannot rest, rather it works harder. True rest is finding the place of your origin, GOD HIMSELF, and allowing Him to carry your burdens. A man that does not rest will have nothing to give when it is required of him. Have you ever felt empty or have you ever felt like you didn’t have anything more to give? This feeling comes into our lives when we have not made time to rest.
So you might be thinking, what in the world does this have to do with Acts Chapter 7. Well, during the seventh chapter (seven being the number that represents rest or completion) of our devotional in the book of Acts, I believe God would remind us to put aside all of the hustle and bustle of our lives and find a place to be with Him and rest. I challenge you this day, make time to REST, so that you may have something to GIVE when the time it right.
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