Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thirst Quencher

"The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water." (John 4: 15, NIV)

Jesus is in Samaria with the woman at the well.  "Wells were almost always located outside the city along the main road.  Twice each day, morning and evening, women came to draw water.  This woman came at noon, however, probably to avoid meeting people who knew her reputation.  Jesus gave this woman an extraordinary message about fresh and pure water that would quench her spiritual thirst forever.

The woman mistakenly believed that if she received the water Jesus offered, she would not have to return to the well each day.  She was interested in Jesus' message because she thought it could make her life easier.  But, if that were always the case, people would accept Christ's message for the wrong reasons.  Christ did not come to take away challenges, but to change us on the inside and to empower us to deal with problems from God's perspective."  (footnotes, Life Application Bible) 

Physically, our bodies need food and water.  If we don't eat or drink daily, we will become hungry and thirsty.  In turn, our souls need spiritual food and water.  We will often deprive our souls before we do our bodies.  Our souls are everlasting---these bodies will eventually fade away.  Psalm 42: 2, "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God."  Drink from the cup that never runs dry---He'll quench your thirsty soul. 

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