And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul"
Deuteronomy 10:12
Happy Monday! Thank God for another day to be used by Him for His glory and honor! Today's reading from the chronological bible features so many rich texts that speak volumes to my heart. However, I wanted to focus on the scripture above.
This scripture is often quoted, especially the last half. What does our Lord and Savior require from us? It seems so simple doesn't it?
First, we must fear Him. Does this mean He wants us to be scared of Him? Not in the least. To me, the start of fearing the Lord is just realizing that He spoke and it happened. The start of fearing the Lord is believing how true that children's church song is, He's got the whole world in His hands.
Too, we must love Him. It is so easy to say, "I love you." It is easy to plaster a bumper sticker on your car that says, "I love Jesus." But, loving Jesus means walking with Him, having communion with Him on a daily basis. For those of you who have found the love of your life, how long would your relationship last if you didn't talk to your husband or wife everyday? How long would love last, if you only were in communion with them on Sundays and maybe once during the week? I think we all know the answer. Love Jesus during the hard times, the easy times, and the times when it isn't popular with those around you, friends or family. He showed us true love? Are we showing Him true love?
We also must walk in His ways. How do you know His way? By reading His Word, praying, and listening for Him to speak to you. Not only does the scripture tell us to fear Him, to walk in His ways, to love Him, but it also tells us to serve Him with all our heart and our soul. Serve Him on your job, serve in your home, even if you are the only one. Give Him your all, everyday. Do you give it your all on your job? Well, if so, your ultimate job is serving Him. Are you giving Him your all or taking extra breaks?
I am closing with this video. If you have time, it is a very familiar song that sums up what I have said. Be blessed and have an awesome week.
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